Portuguese LeatherGoods – ModaLisboa
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Portuguese LeatherGoods

This has been a unique year for APICCAPS. With a pandemic that violently shook the sector — it’s worth remembering that, every year, more than 80 million pairs of Made in Portugal shoes are exported to 163 countries, on five continents — the response of the Portuguese Footwear, Components, Leather Goods Manufacturers’ Association was quick, focused and effective.

Thus, APICCAPS launched the Portuguese Shoes portal, the most complete digital portfolio of the footwear sector in Portugal, with 400 associated companies and which, until the end of the year, will be a showcase of more than 10,000 Portuguese products. This professional portal contains not only information about each of the companies, but the possibility of accessing their showrooms, with thousands of products, specialized technical information and a multitude of data about these shoe magicians.

All this to remind us of the importance of a rich, strong, quality and increasingly sustainable sector. This is where innovation, savoir-faire, tradition, the forefront of technique, luxury, design, speed of response and awareness lie. This is where lives and jobs and pride and hope reside. At MODALISBOA MAIS, Portuguese Shoes launches its new campaign, and is at the RESORT space with a message for the future. Because this is what APICCAPS means: future.


October 8, 2020
