IED – Istituto Europeo di Design – ModaLisboa
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IED – Istituto Europeo di Design



The courses of the iconic international fashion school with an Italian DNA, IED – Istituto Europeo di Design, partner of Sangue Novo competition, aim at training the profiles vital to the industry, they range from the more creative professional figures such as Designer and Stylist  to the more strategic ones: from organizational to commercial features, from marketing to image and communication.

Besides the Undergraduate courses in Fashion offered in all IED campuses the educational offer is featured by several up-to-date Masters english such as:
– Fashion Design, Fashion Communication and Styling, Fashion Marketing (IED Milano)
– Fashion Business, Creative direction for Fashion, Fashion Trend Forecasting, Fashion Merchandising and Buying, Fashion Brand Management (IED Firenze)
– Design for sustainable Fashion Technology, Fashion Product Management, Fashion Creative Direction (IED Barcelona )
– Fashion Buying and Licencing, Fashion Styling and Communication (IED Madrid)

And several other Masters and Postgraduate courses in italian and spanish. Check them, here.


IED – Istituto Europeo di Design is a complete, exhaustive response to the increasingly diversified and specialized training demanded by the fashion system. IED – Istituto Europeo di Design points the way for its students to forecast and experience fashion as an interaction between different perspectives and a combination of several professional skills. From the concept of a collection to its production, going through business strategies, brand identity and sales/marketing plans, IED courses train young professionals working side-by-side with companies, designers and agencies in order to meet the market’s demands.


To receive more information from the IED, register here.


October 5, 2022
