ModaLisboa Mais | Sponsors – ModaLisboa
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ModaLisboa Mais | Sponsors

Portuguese designer look: check. That new lipstick from check. Hair on the spot, ready to be photographed (in the absence of street style, we will always have selfies): check, not that we could expect anything but, with @lorealportugal products. Check @meoinstagram’s wifi speed: check. Tune in to @lisboafashionweek on the TV, computer, phone, tablet: check. Mentally thank @alticeportugal for making this Fashion Week accessible from the couch: check. We bet you thought we couldn’t include all of our sponsors in one caption that made sense. And, as one of them is @betclicportugal, the bet was won. By us. Let’s toast this with a @licor_beirao — but only one! If not, we’ll all end up doing @moche — and we’ll meet online on the 7th, to show you #MAIS.


October 12, 2020
