Photo: John Springer Collection / Corbis / Top Film
Design: RMAC Design
FIVE STARS defines our willingness to focus on and give more light to creativity. We aim to exalt the most beautiful, contemporary, positive and optimistic, to extinguish the black hole in the heavens and replace it with a new star, brighter than all others. The countdown to the new blossoming has begun. We hope it illuminates the economy, stirs up people’s optimism and leads us on to prosperity. We have taken in new ideas, reflected on them and polished their facets, as if they were diamonds, in order to show off their sparkling nature, style, excellence and quality. Yet we want it all to be simple and easygoing. We are confident of the progress, goodwill and ability to work hard to defend Portuguese fashion and creativity and believe in success and in sharing attitudes that can catapult us ever so far in the contemporary world. For all this and much more we are FIVE STARS.
FW 04/05
25. 26. 27. 28 MARCH 2004
Alexandra Moura
Alves / Gonçalves
Ana Salazar
Anabela Baldaque
Dino Alves
Fátima Lopes
Felipe Oliveira Baptista (Guest Designer)
Globe Line
Gloria Coelho (Guest Designer)
José António Tenente
Lidija Kolovrat
Lion of Porches
Louis de Gama
Luís Buchinho
Maria Gambina
Miguel Vieira
Nuno Baltazar
Nuno Gama
Osvaldo Martins
Pedro Mourão
Reinaldo Lourenço (Guest Designer)
Sonia Rykiel (Guest Designer)