duarte jorge


Duarte Jorge


Duarte Vaz Jorge is a fashion designer from Lisbon. His curiosity for creative exploration led him to the António Arroio Art School, where he specialized in textiles. Later, he enrolled in a degree in Fashion and Textile Design at the Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas (ESART). He is currently in his second year of a Master’s program in the same area. Moreover, he has been expanding his skills in areas such as digital patterns (using CLO3D). His creations reflect an alternative, bold, and sustainable style, with a color palette dominated by black and white, which are distinctive features of his work.


E-mail: duartevazj@gmail.com

FW 25/26


The middle class has disappeared. The elite lives in luxury, while the rest of the population survives in the shadows, crushed by corporations. A world of shining machines and extinguished souls.

But not everyone has given up. A group of rebels known as the Anomals emerge from the darkness, faceless and fearless. Bearers of the Cyberlight, a cyberorganic virus that infiltrates systems and reignites what seemed lost: the essence of living. For those who carry it, it is more than a virus; it is a spark of resistance, a cry against the void.

The Anomals' clothing materializes the Cyberlight, transforming it into physical forms that cut through the city's darkness with light. Distorted silhouettes and mutant textures reflect the fusion of the organic with the digital, symbolizing the struggle between oppression and freedom. “2112” celebrates this revolution. The fight for the soul of Onyx District is just beginning.

Available soon