welcome carlosmoedas


Mayor of Lisbon

The 64th Lisboa Fashion Week, under the concept of CAPITAL, challenges us to reflect on what truly sustains and drives fashion: culture, innovation, economy, and, above all, people.

The Lisbon City Council is proud to be part of this dialogue, recognizing ModaLisboa as a key force in establishing our capital as a global center of creativity. Lisbon is a city where ideas take shape, where tradition and avant-garde intersect, and where talent finds the space to flourish. Over the decades, ModaLisboa has been one of the brightest examples of this vocation.

To think about the concept of CAPITAL from the capital is to affirm identity. Lisbon is built daily through its cultural and social dynamics, and fashion, as both an artistic expression and a creative industry, is an essential part of this construction. At Pátio da Galé, CAM Gulbenkian, and MUDE – each space in this edition will reflect our city in motion, where designers challenge the ephemeral and propose new narratives for the future.

The city’s commitment to this event is also a commitment to its own growth. Because fashion, beyond the creative act, is economy, employment, and innovation. It is sustainability and responsibility. It is a sector that reinvents itself and, in Lisbon, the capital of innovation, finds its natural home.

In this edition of ModaLisboa, we celebrate a Lisbon that positions itself as the epicenter of this movement, reaffirming its place at the forefront of European and global creativity.

Because to be CAPITAL is to be essential. And Lisbon, now more than ever, embodies exactly that.


welcome eduarda abbondanza


President of Associação ModaLisboa

“CAPITAL” is a dense and imposing word. We didn’t choose it lightly as the theme for the 64th Lisboa Fashion Week, but we wanted to work with it lightly in the campaign we developed with Graficalismo Studio. Lightness, yes, and humour, and nonsense, and disruption, and discomfort, because we are not an island and we wanted to respond to a 2025 that is proving challenging for the world. But this campaign goes far beyond superficiality: it invites us to think and discuss how one idea can have so many perspectives. How one word can have so many meanings. How one theme can have so many approaches — just like fashion.

CAPITAL is part of our identity. We have the capital in our name and it is from here that we think, listen, research and now implement the biggest project of the association. Like the capital, ModaLisboa is a centre where voices converge and where everyone feels at home. And this, first and foremost, is our capital. It brings together those who design, those who produce and those who support. Those who see design as a creative force, but also as an economic one, giving them the space to realise their projects, build their brands and create jobs.

And so I welcome you to Lisboa Fashion Week: a capital of innovation where we bring together technology and craft, designers and industry, activism and sustainability. Thanks to the continued support of our co-organiser, the City of Lisbon, our sponsoring brands, industry associations and the venues that provide the context for our work — Pátio da Galé, MUDE and CAM — we have put together a programme that is relevant and essential to ensuring the future of our industry.  I would like to thank all of them, my team and you, for continuing to contribute to the affirmation of fashion as a culture, as an industry. And as CAPITAL.


ModaLisboa would like to thank:

The Mayor of Lisbon, Eng. Carlos Moedas.

Alberto Laplaine Guimarães, Ana Eugénia Inácio, Ana Mata, António Valle, Catarina Duarte, Catarina Félix, Cátia Montenegro, Celeste Reis, Chefe José Martins, Comissário José Gil, Cristina Coelho, Cristina Costa, Cristina Moita, David Monteiro, Elisabete Brito, Filipa Abecasis, Gabriela Seara, Graça Soares, Isabel Magalhães, Isabel Niny, João Oliveira e Silva, João Pedro Pereira, Jorge Cruz, Jorge Matos, José Augusto Silva, José Sande, Júlio Sequeira, Laurentina Pereira, Lourenço Jardim de Oliveira, Luísa Teixeira, Marina Gonçalves, Manuel Rocha, Manuela Azevedo, Manuela Martins, Margarida Ferro, Marta Rodrigues, Octávio Gonçalves, Paula Carpinteiro, Paula Levy, Paulo Pimenta, Patrícia Casaca, Patrícia Santos, Pedro Oliveira, Rosário Melo, Rui Arenga and Rui Lourido from the Municipality of Lisbon.

Vítor Costa, Paula Oliveira and Vítor Carriço from Lisbon Tourism Association. Rodolfo Durão and Bruno Prates from Lismarketing.

Bárbara Coutinho, Bruno Castro, Pedro Oliveira, Sofia Alves, Cristina Gomes, Cristina Duarte from MUDE – Museum of esign.

Ana Botella, Benjamin Weil, Susana Prudêncio, Carolina Ladeira, Elisabete Caramelo, Francisca Aires, Isabel Gouveia, Matilde Neves, Otelo Lapa, Patrícia Rosas, Pedro Relvas, Pedro Vaz Simões, Rita Fabiana, Teresa Thomaz from CAM – Centro de Arte Moderna da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Ambassador Claudio Miscia, Simone Salvatore, Rita Marrone, and Gaja Ravasini from the Italian Embassy.

Alexandre Castanheira, Alexandre Franco, Alice Brazão, Ana Moreira, Ana Oliveira, Ana Tavares, André Ivo, Andreia Góis, Antónia Rosa, António Custódio, Antonio Lettieri, Armando Ribeiro, Beatriz Junqueiro, Best Models, Bizaction, Broomtec, Bruno Reffel, Calvelex, Camila Mila, Carlos Félix, Carlos Malta, Carlota Pires de Almeida, Carolina Correia, Carolina Morais, Carolina Rainho, Catarina Almeida, Célia Alves, Célia Félix, Central Models, César Araújo, Cesária Martins, Cláudia Almeida Silva, Cláudia Fazenda, Cláudia Nunes, Cláudia Simões, Constança Entrudo, Cristina Firmino, Da Banda, Daiena Dâmaso, Daniel Matos Fernandes, Daniela Nascimento, Danilo Venturi, Diogo Faial, Duarte Rente, Eduarda Abbondanza, Eduarda Olivieri, Eduardo Estrela, EGEAC, Elisabete Guerreiro, Elite Lisbon, Eusébio&Rodrigues, Fábio Mendes, Fábio Silva, Fabrics4Fashion, Face Models, Fashion Studio, Fátima Barros, Fátima Sobrinho, Fernando Bastos Pereira, Francisca Cabral, Francisca Delgado, Francisco Novais, Francisco Vasconcelos, FX Roadlights, Gabriela Vasconcelos, Gonçalo Guiomar, Gonçalo Vilardebó, Graziela Sousa, Groove Digital, Guilherme Prata, Helena Vaz Pereira, Helibrando Videira, Héloïse Maréchal, Henrique Gonçalves, Henrique Pinheiro, Herlander Carvalho, Hugo Pedroso, IED – Istituto Europeo di Design, Inês Brochado, Inês Marques, Inês Pereira, Inês Vital Morgado, Inês Zinho Pinheiro, Irina Chitas, Isabel Santos, Isadora Honório, Jaime Carvalho, João Diogo Rogado, João Esteves, João Pedro, João Pedro Padinha, João Rosa, Joana Barrios, Joana Jorge, Joana Lopes, Jorge Ginja, Jorge Marques, José Mota Leal, José Pinto, José Reizinho, Just Models, Karacter Agency, KNOWHO, L’Agence, Lidija Kolovrat, Lígia Gonçalves, Locke, Lola Maria, Luís Leal Miranda, Luís Miguel Fonseca, Luís Pereira, Luís Pinto, Madalena Begonha, Manuel Lopes Teixeira, Manuela Oliveira, Marco Amaral, Margarida Paiva, Maria João Ramos, Maria Stoer, Mariana Fernandes, Mariana Garcia, Mariana Teixeira, Mariana Torres, Marisa Martins, Marta Batista, Marta Cruz Lemos, Marta Ferreira da Silva, Marta Mimoso, Martim Fevereiro, Matilde Tudela, Matteo Ward, MCatering, Miguel Ângelo, Miguel Flor, Mira Wanderlust, Nuno Lobo, Nuno Mendes, Nuno Paiva, Nuno Sousa Martins, Olga Barrisco, Paradise Streets, Patrícia Borges, Patrícia Costa, Paulo Gomes, Paulo Gonçalves, Pedro Brito, Pedro Carvalho, Pedro Curto, Pedro Reis, Pinkplate, Raquel Résio, RDD Textiles, Ricardo Costa, Ricardo Gomes, Ricardo Nogueira, Ricardo Reis, Riopele, Rita Afonso Ferreira, Rita Gil, Rita Gomes, Rita Neves, Rita Rolex, Rodrigo Delgado, Rodrigo Gomes, Rodrigo Oliveira, Rodolfo Morgado, Rune Park, Rui Maria Pêgo, Rui Rodrigues, Samuel Antunes, Sea Agency, Seaside, Sebastião Teixeira, Showpress, Sílvio Teixeira, Simple Way, Sofia Amaral Coelho, Sofia Carvalho, Sofia Matos Ribeiro, Sofia Raimundo, Sofia Tavares de Carvalho, Sofia Varatojo, Story Hunters, TerceiraSegur, Thaina Correa, Thibauld Claisse, Tiago Bastos Nunes, Tiago de Sousa, Tiago Manaia, TIRP, Ugo Camera, Umberto Sannino, Vasco Carvalho, Victor Neves Ferreira, Vítor Machado, We Are Models, World Academy, Xana Guerra.

All our friends who have collaborated with us throughout all the editions, the Designers, all the fashion professionals, volunteers, and the many hundreds of people involved in the organization of this great event.