«For clothes that fit me, caring clothes, comprehensive clothes, clothes that tell me it’s worth it to wake up and that I am not difficult to love. Clothes with time, clothes that are friends and lovers. Poliamorous clothing that warms whoever needs it. Clothes from now, borrowed clothes. Clothes from the future, clothes that precede us. Interstellar clothes. Clothes that are good to listen to and that sleep with me. Intimate clothes, sweet clothes. Talkative clothes but that can keep secrets. Tore clothes, sweaty clothes. Clothes that I hug. Clothes with space. Placebo clothes that hold me when I break.»
Çal Pfungst creates carewear clothing, as the creator describes it, a type of clothing connected and committed to those who try it on. It postulates imagery and emotive sensory activation through the item of clothing, creating inter-personal, shared narratives. They develops their cosmogony or lore in each collection, through the creation of style and interconnected timeless narratives. Immanent dialogue between the pants and the leg.