



From a very young age, Ana Luisa Marinho found in drawing and art a way to express herself, when words are not enough to do so. Throughout her growth, she realized that fashion was a way to combine art with the body, fascinated by its capacity for immediate expression and impact that it can cause. Since then, she wanted to build a career in this direction, while maintaining the goal of being a multidisciplinary artist. Therefore, she joined the Fashion Design course at Modatex in Porto, ending in 2023.

FW 24/25


Coming from a deep sense of intrigue towards the unknown future, Isza's FW24 collection is born, aiming to confront the discomfort of not knowing. It is an ode to the courage of dancing on a dystopian stage where the next steps feel uncertain, but crucial to the story. It's about walking blindly without hesitation. It adds a hint of irony when it intersects technology with hope. This so-called inexhaustible source is accompanied by the promise of the perfect place. Will technology save us? Or will this be our end?