Daniela Nascimento created a 3D animation inspired by an excerpt from Loie Fuller's Serpentine Dance. The goal was to capture the fluid, organic movement that characterized it, using 3D software to replicate the enchanting movement of an analogue era through a computerized medium. To get a contemporary visual texture to the artist, Nascimento added video editing grain. By eliminating the person inside the dress, she discovered that a simple movement could produce a succession of almost sculptural images that outline a silhouette. Seen from different angles, these images were transformed into several pieces, each with its own language.
This project is a tribute to Loie Fuller, who revolutionized dance, where movement becomes transcendent. Although she may not have met conventional standards of beauty, Fuller brought long pieces of fabric to life with her carefully choreographed movements and innovative lighting techniques. Through this 3D animation, Daniela wanted to honor her legacy as an innovative, experimental woman with a futuristic spirit.