At MODALISBOA SINGULAR, the FAST TALKS focus on the transversality of technology in the practice of fashion — a consequence of the same transversality applied to contemporary thinking in society — and the crucial role of the Creative Industries in social regeneration, in redefining identity and in the strategic vision of a city.

Singular Tech For a Plural Future
SINGULAR TECH FOR A PLURAL FUTUREOCTOBER 10 - 5PM MANDATORY REGISTRATION, HERE[bsf_advanced_tabs module_id="mi-app-tabs-talks" _builder_version="4.27.2" _module_preset="671fa5be-9d56-4054-9931-b75c34b15468" hover_enabled="0" global_colors_info="{}"...

Plural Design For a Singular City
PLURAL DESIGN FOR A SINGULAR CITYOCT 10 OUT - 6PM MANDATORY REGISTRATION, HERE[bsf_advanced_tabs module_id="mi-app-tabs-talks" _builder_version="4.27.2" _module_preset="671fa5be-9d56-4054-9931-b75c34b15468" hover_enabled="0" global_colors_info="{}"...