#Changemakers | Altice Portugal & Moche – ModaLisboa
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#Changemakers | Altice Portugal & Moche


André Figueiredo, Director of Institutional, Corporate and Communication Coordination at Altice Portugal, talks to ModaLisboa about Technology, Humanism and Equality.

The sponsoring brands of MODALISBOA METAPHYSICAL are, in essence, powerful engines of change. #CHANGEMAKERS are short interviews that give voice to those who work daily to build a solid, transparent, inclusive and sustainable future.

Altice Portugal continues to be the technological partner of Lisboa Fashion Week. Its intervention in this edition that explores the blurring of boundaries between physical and digital, is especially relevant: in addition to providing the installation of Internet throughout the event venue, Altice is also responsible for building all of our digital platforms. And it is precisely here that the meta side of ModaLisboa takes place. Allied to this, Altice is a company that explores technology in a humanistic way. It’s for the people, not beyond the people. Because technology can, and should, be about unity, inclusion and freedom.

This is the first Lisboa Fashion Week of 2022 and, together, we want to start the year in a mood of change. What are the fundamental values ​​that guide you today?
Altice Portugal is proud to be a company that supports the main moments, talents and achievements of various sectors, considered pillars of our society, one of them being Culture.

This season, MOCHE will present the audicence with the exhibition of the pieces of its clothing line at Lisboa Fashion Week’s Lounge. It is worth remembering that it was at ModaLisboa’s 55th edition, in October 2020, that Altice Portugal’s brand for the younger segment presented its first pieces of clothing, starting a new chapter in its history, breaking, in a completely irreverent way, its business area.

Values ​​such as innovation, proximity, customer experience and social responsibility are some that move us and define our daily activity and work.

In line with the strategy we have been adopting in terms of proximity and commitment to and support for the culture of our country, we are, once again, ModaLisboa’s technological partners, ensuring all communications and the best connectivity experience for visitors.

Creativity is at the root of everything we do. What still needs to be created?
Innovation and creativity are values ​​inherent to Altice Portugal’s activity. This creativity can be found in the simplest processes, but mainly in the way of offering the best experience to people. With this premise, we believe that change is constant and that there is always something to create, improve and do, keeping people, companies and society as the main motivators for our performance. 

We are running towards an era where the consumer is moved less for the product and more for the purpose. What steps are you taking in that direction?
Altice Portugal bets on people every day. Our motto, connecting people to life, conveys our way of acting: putting technological and innovative solutions at the service of the Portuguese has always been the foundation of the commitment between Altice Portugal and Portuguese society.

We aim to be with our customers, improving their daily lives, as well as investing in the pillars of society, supporting Portugal and investing in the most diverse sectors, putting technology at the service of the population.

What continues to inspire you every day?
Although we are a tech company, what inspires us every day is people. They are the engine and purpose of everything we do.

What do you believe to be the role of brands in building a more humane, transparent, ethical and inclusive future?
Brands play a leading role in building the future. Increasingly, consumers are more aware of their choices and their needs and brands must follow this premise and follow this evolution. At Altice Portugal, we believe in the humanization of the future and society, through technology. Technology responds to people’s needs and has the power to build a more humane and egalitarian future.

Community building is one of the greatest powers — and responsibilities — of a brand. How would you describe your community?
Our community is made by people for people. Altice Portugal is a brand of causes, based on the values ​​of proximity to the community and customers, supporting businesses, initiatives and projects linked to the most diverse areas of our society, fostering critical thinking, innovation and differentiation.

And since Lisboa Fashion Week is part of that same community: if you only had three words to describe your relationship with ModaLisboa, what would they be?
Proximity, partnership and culture.


March 10, 2022
