Maria Curado – ModaLisboa
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Maria Curado

Sangue Novo

Maria Curado

Maria Curado (1999) studied Fine Arts all throughout high school. She was a student of António Soares, where she was privileged enough to be in contact with different artistic elements which broaden her horizons in the world of fashion.

In 2017, she enrolled in the Fashion Design course, in Modatex Porto where she explored the different strands of fashion and design, concluding that fashion design is transcendent to fashion itself. It’s essential to think of art as an appeasement of all its forms, using harmony to make the bridge between its departments. During her second year in Modatex, she did an internship in Farfetch, in its masculine styling department.

By understanding art’s complexity, Maria’s future is still open, and she strives to roam through its aspects and introducing them to fashion.


September 24, 2021
