ModaLisboa Metaphysical – ModaLisboa
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ModaLisboa Metaphysical


Metaverse. NFT. Crypto. Hyperconnectivity. Decentralization. Web3. Skins. Blockchain. A change in vocabulary is a symptom of a change in the system, and what we know as dogmatic reality hasn’t evolved at the same pace as the social movements. An implementation of intangible universal values is needed. It’s necessary to go beyond the physical to build the new physical.

MODALISBOA METAPHYSICAL, in co-organization with the Municipality of Lisbon, arrives to Factory Lisbon, at Hub Criativo do Beato, from march 10 to 13, 2022. This beginning of a new phase is an in-person event with a growing digital component – it is meta and it is physical – in constant experimentation, that crosses the geographies of Fashion, Technology, Innovation and Art in a path where multidisciplinary practices meet and new possibilities of permanence are tested. In the last two years, we felt the need to look at reality in a renewed wat, with a series of open thoughts, without naivety but with a clear hope of resolution. The problems at hand may be complex, but ModaLisboa will be – will have to be – a privileged laboratory for the sensitivity and the awe of creation.

This migration from the Fashion discourse to a digital fascination isn’t only motivated by the almost infinite business opportunity, but by the driving force that is fertile ground for discovery and creativity, an almost childlike enthusiasm, in the most beautiful sense, for something finally new. The prefix META means, in its genesis, “beyond”, and both Fashion and Society are moving beyond the physical plan. And we don’t just talk in concrete terms, of code and programming, but in terms of intangibility, empathy and humanism. Less product, more purpose. Perhaps the ideological pillars of this Metaverse, now under construction, can be the mirror we need for today as they manage to project their light on the present: democracy, decentralization of power, freedom of identity, the true connection between people, places and things, without borders. The 58th Lisboa Fashion Week is, therefore, a conversation, and essay, a discussion, a door to the universe of universes.

MODALISBOA METAPHYSICAL. Creation, beyond everything else.


Concept and Talent: Damara Inglês
Photographer: Eduardo Gonçalves
Photo Assistant: Pedro Leote
Lightning Technician: Rodrigo Delgado
Make-Up: Antónia Rosa assisted by Mário de Carvalho
Hair: Afro Wasemwa
Dress: Constança Entrudo
Design: Joana Areal


February 16, 2022
