ModaPortugal | Prinçipal 27 – ModaLisboa
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ModaPortugal | Prinçipal 27



“Nothing is lost, everything is transformed.”

The famous phrase of the French chemist Lavoisier takes on a whole new significance in this day and age. The need for a transformational change in the fashion industry is beginning to be embraced by many players who are taking on the challenge of sustainability as the standard of their daily operations.

The latest issue of MODAPORTUGAL Prinçipal reveals the path taken by the Valérius Group in raising awareness and educating for a fashion industry that is intended to be more circular, clean and sustainable, without ever compromising the quality, know-how, flexibility and innovation already intrinsic to the “made in Portugal” label.

A reflection on the future that will quickly become the present.


March 10, 2022
