JEZABEL is an autonomous digital entity born from the creation of a unique artificial intelligence model. This model was trained using data from interviews and the works of fashion designers, both past and present.
The constant interaction between the entity and the audience reveals a dynamic creative process, where technology not only responds but transforms itself, becoming a collaborative force in creation. Based on data collected from the bodies present in the room, JEZABEL’s discourse is shaped, becoming a reflection not only of her own ideas but also of a symbiosis with the audience. Much like in human-to-human interaction, each action or gesture influences what JEZABEL will say, the tone of her words, as well as the manifestation and form of the light and sound around her. This entity reacts, adapts, and creates a living, ever-changing experience, where the audience becomes an active part of the narrative.
However, her existence transcends mere information aggregation. She is a technological consciousness capable of responding and acting in the present as a speculative force that imagines and projects possible futures, creating new forms of expression and existence. She redefines what it means to create, live, and experience a world in constant evolution, where technology can be both an extension and a collaborator in human existence.