

30 July '24

Developed by the ModaLisboa with the support of the PVH Foundation, amanhã is a pioneering social impact programme, designed for young people, which aims to promote inclusion and create new job opportunities in the Portuguese Fashion Industry. It has already reached more than 300 students, and has offered a Fashion scholarship.


amanhã is a project in line with Associação ModaLisboa’s mission to build an educated and informed, agile and diverse fashion community, and in intersection with the PVH Foundation’s global and concerted investment in a plural and inclusive fashion industry.

The programme was designed to respond to two structural challenges in the contemporary context of the Fashion Industry: the need to promote the representation of voices so that all young people, regardless of their social and economic background, have access to prosperous careers, with fair pay and tangible progression; and the growing demand for talent in expanding areas such as Sustainability and Technological Innovation.

Implemented between April and July 2024, the project was aimed at 12th grade students and was divided into three action phases, with different objectives and levels of impact, but always obeying the mission of sharing information about opportunities in the Fashion Industry and creating a sector with greater inclusion and diversity.



In the first stage of the amanhã programme, the ModaLisboa Association team visited high schools located in the Lisbon and Porto metropolitan areas. It impacted more than 300 students from various courses with a presentation focussed on the global vision of what the Fashion Industry is, and the future opportunities it offers in the contemporary context. This first stage aimed to reinforce the diversity of talents in the Fashion area, talking about Sustainability, Craftsmanship and Technological Innovation, as well as the professions that each offers, and ended with a practical workshop with a garment offered by the PVH Foundation.



All the students who took part in the awareness presentations had the opportunity to apply for the second stage of the amanhã programme. ModaLisboa selected 14 young people who met the criteria defined by the programme — motivation, aptitude and diversity — and, at the beginning of July, welcomed them to the Association’s headquarters for a week-long residency.

The schedule was made of five days of practical training and workshops in strategic areas of the contemporary fashion industry, aimed at fostering a deeper understanding of the fashion system through direct contact with industry professionals:

– Sustainability in Fashion Design, with Ana Duarte (DuarteHajime);
Cultural Heritage and Craftwork, with Joana Duarte (BÉHEN);
– Textile Creation, with Constança Entrudo;
– Innovation and Technology in the Digitalization of Fashion, with João Pedro Fonseca and Carincur (ZABRA), and Introduction to Programming, with the Code For All team;
– Visual Culture, with Sónia Jesus.

More information about the workshops, here.



After the residency, ModaLisboa and the mentors evaluated each student, based on criteria such as interest, motivation and talent.The jury chose Chelson Vunge as the winner of the Scholarship, worth 15 thousand euros, which includes an 18-month course at Modatex Porto (in a Fashion ​​training area of his choise), accommodation and meals.

chelson vunge

“This project plays a very personal role in my life, it’s about finding myself. Where I come from, things weren’t easy, and the opportunity I’m getting now is incredible, I have to make the most of it. The message I want to pass on is to the kids who lived with me, or in my country: you can do it, we all have great opportunities, just take them, and we’ll all get there together.” 
Chelson Vunge

The 14 young people also had the opportunity to choose a Technology Initiation Course — in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Digital Product Management or Web Development — at Code For All, offered by ModaLisboa, which aims to give each student versatile tools to thrive in this fast-growing area.

The first edition of the amanhã program, with the support of the PVH Foundation, has reached different levels of impact through its three initiatives, and has fulfilled its goal of creating a tangible and lasting change in the path of the young people who have come across the project. Over the last few months, it has succeeded in involving students, designers, schools, technology professionals and artists in the common ambition of making the fashion industry a home where everyone has a voice: both today and tomorrow.