#Changemakers | Betclic – ModaLisboa
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#Changemakers | Betclic


Pureza Vasconcelos e Sousa, Betclic’s Country Manager, talks to ModaLisboa about Future, Change and Equity.

The sponsoring brands of MODALISBOA METAPHYSICAL are, in essence, powerful engines of change. #CHANGEMAKERS are short interviews that give voice to those who work daily to build a solid, transparent, inclusive and sustainable future.

At Lisboa Fashion Week, Betclic supports Dino Alves’ FW 22/23 collection, which seeks to establish a strong connection to the sports world – namely, to Street Basket. Betclic Portugal already collaborates with the Designer on the Betclic Collective project, a hub directed by Dino that promotes the creation of capsule collections for sports brands and athletes.

This is the first Lisboa Fashion Week of 2022 and, together, we want to start the year in a mood of change. What are the fundamental values ​​that guide you today?
Creativity, Innovation, Ingenuity, Sustainability, Equity.

Creativity is at the root of everything we do. What still needs to be created?
A more sustainable and equitable world.

We are running towards an era where the consumer is moved less for the product and more for the purpose. What steps are you taking in that direction?
We are an entertainment brand, but we are also a brand that invests in the development of Social Impact projects through sport, co-creating with artists and partners in different cultural territories, to create new approaches with a positive impact. We do this by always driving towards Sustainability, and going beyond our Sports and Entertainment DNA to facilitate Creation, Innovation, Vision, and Inspiration, for a community already in the Future.

What continues to inspire you every day?
The ones who always give everything they have and defy the limits of what’s possible, even when no one else understands what drives them, because that’s how great transformations happen.

What do you believe to be the role of brands in building a more humane, transparent, ethical and inclusive future?
Society is increasingly looking at companies as entities that can and should occupy their space in the engine of change that will lead us along better paths. Companies must embrace these challenges in a transparent and authentic way, applying these principles to all decision-making levels, inside and outside their sphere of activity, and seeking to meet, and even go beyond, these expectations: when last year we decided, for example, sponsoring the Betclic League on equal terms for the men’s and women’s leagues, we were also on this path, and we will continue to do so. 

Community building is one of the greatest powers — and responsibilities — of a brand. How would you describe your community?
Our community is fun, innovative, adventurous, passionate and creative.

And since Lisboa Fashion Week is part of that same community: if you only had three words to describe your relationship with ModaLisboa, what would they be?
New, Energetic, Impactful.


March 9, 2022
