Dino Alves – ModaLisboa
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Dino Alves


Dino Alves

See Bio

FW 22/23

In this season’s calendar, there are news such as the return of Dino Alves to the catwalks with the support of Betclic – this FW22/23 collection, inspired by Street Basket, reinforces the designer’s collaboration with the brand, which also extends to the Betclic Collective project, a hub coordinated by Dino Alves that promotes the creation of capsule collections of sports brands and athletes.
The expression “It’s from the hood!” is often used to justify some less correct attitudes, a less appropriate social behavior and a lower socio-economic-cultural standard of living. It therefore almost always has a negative connotation when it comes to more problematic neighborhoods.
However, and seen through another side, the expression “I am from the hood!” is almost always used with pride of those who, despite all the adversities, managed to succeed and become a reference for so many others who are from the neighborhood, the country and even the world. It is, above all, these success cases that inspire this collection.
Neighborhoods, at whatever level, are always part of our growing up: they are our first social contact, our first discoveries before leaving for the big city or even the world.
Great and important forms of artistic expression were born and will continue to be born in the neighborhoods, and the great figures who represent them, whether in music, dance, visual arts, cinema and even sports, as is the case, for example, of Street Basket, Hip Hop, Breakdance, and that quickly spread around the world. Neighborhood is community, sharing, solidarity, conviviality and union. Neighborhood is, above all, inspiration!


February 24, 2022
