Luís Buchinho – ModaLisboa
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Luís Buchinho


Luís Buchinho

See Bio

FW 22/23

A post-pandemic environment, marked in a line that is intended to be effective for the life of the eyes in everyday life: minimal silhouettes (designed with a wink to the 90’s), with a powerful and weatherproof effect. An empowered woman, ready for the next challenges — needing clothing that is as protective as it is seductive.
For FW22/23, sexy rock star glamour finds a new ally in sportswear, giving rise to inverted mixes. The color palette wants to be around cool tones, like violet and sky blue, going through a range of pure grays. Orange tones warm up and reaffirm the graphic part of the collection. The materials are light and comfortable, protective: wools and technical fabrics on the outside, creased and pleated with laser cuts for the interiors.


September 24, 2021
