izabel monnerat


Izabel Monnerat


Izabel Monnerat is from Rio de Janeiro and moved to Portugal at 16. Graduated in Fashion Design at ESAD, in Matosinhos, and interned for Renata Estefan. As a student, she was a finalist at the Belgian contest “Marriage Stories”.

Multiculturalism is definitive in her work. Izabel focuses on Fashion as a reflexive factor of the society she coexists in, and overall, observes. The pluralism of her influences transposes in her creative process, through the use of colour and non-conventional materials.


E-mail: izabelmonnerat@gmail.com


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The collection "Tropiderm" carries the narrative of a tropical society profoundly impacted from globalization and mass media. This project explores how the excess of information and the gentrification of an ethnographic culture culminate in its plasticization, causing the dilution and homogenization of local cultures. This rupture with tradition is particularly accentuated in tropical societies, which were altered by the overwhelming influx of external influences.

By exploring further into this exploration, it becomes evident the water’s strength and its deep connection with the tropical quotidian, economically and traditionally. To further grasp the essence of this tropical society, one must focus on its symbiotic relationship with water. From the coastal communities linked to fishing and maritime commerce, to the river cultures, the crab fishers and the mangroves. Water is a factor that intervenes and characterizes this society.