ivan garcia


Ivan Hunga Garcia

Ivan Hunga Garcia is establishing xem name into a couture investigation atelier within fashion as an expression medium. In fashion design and textiles, the “Botanical Apparel” project has debuted in Lisboa Fashion Week (Sangue Novo contest) in March 2022.

Between pattern cutting and physical incubation of materials, the concept of “Land Art” demonstrates a crucial component to understand the scale and thought involved in an ephemeral perspective of costume design and creative direction.



E-mail: geral@ivanhungagarcia.com



Vivid touch, warm yet distant
For how long do you remember the smell of someone,
When did you notice you have forgotten?
And how fast it all flashes in a sensorial trigger, abstracted yet confining.

After all it was only a memory, 
both recollecting the past and projecting to a newer reach.
A future memory and a past premonition.

That limbo
A timeframe that can be considered a double nostalgia.
Nostalgia is always prone to decision making
even if the outcome is stepping out from it.
It reminds you of what you want, what is next and what you once had.
That is how we've realized it's a memory
even when generationally speaking, we consciously lost sight from it.

Within an assembly of seven Neohominidae citizens, the new generation promotes an ancestral reference of social and knowledge development under the collective's legacy. 
The narrative extends by acknowledging and restructure according to the recollection of historic heirlooms.