prometeu 04

Fashion, Theater

10 July '24

Valentim Quaresma designed the costumes for the play “Prometeu Agrilhoado”, based on the Greek classic by Ésquilo, which the Companhia de Teatro Livre is presenting until July 27th at the Museu de Lisboa – Teatro Romano.

Ancient Greece and organic shapes were Valentim Quaresma’s inspiration for creating the costumes for the five characters: Prometeu, Circe, IO, Poder and Hefesto. “Each character has its own personality, and the costumes are very strong. The main materials are wool and aluminum. I chose wool because the play is linked to the sea and I created pieces with organic inspiration”, explains the Designer.

Based on the myth of Prometeu by Hesíodo, “Prometeu Agrilhoado” was written by Ésquilo, at a time of transition from tyrannical to democratic power in Greece, around 2,500 years ago. With this work, Ésquilo wanted to show that even the gods must be moderate, without ever exceeding the limitations of their power. Prometeu is the last rebel, who will teach Zeus that peace can only be achieved through justice and persuasion.

The play, now on display at the Museu de Lisboa – Teatro Romano, directed by Beto Coville and with performances by António Camelier, Beto Coville, Eurico Lopes, Luísa Ortigoso and Sara Barradas, aims to question the role of humanity. “At a time when totalitarian movements that threaten democracy and freedom are reemerging and growing, this text reflects the present. Today, it is essential to show the importance of believing in the free human being and it is essential to defend the right to equality and justice, and especially, freedom of expression.”, we can read on the Museu de Lisboa’s website.

“Prometeu Agrilhoado”, a joint production by the Museu de Lisboa – Teatro Romano and the Companhia de Teatro Livre, is on stage until July 27, from Wednesday to Saturday, at 9:00 pm.

PHOTOS: José Avelar